Sunday, November 15, 2009

nVidia CUDA - Fermi chipset

A couple of interesting features on the Fermi chipset from nVidia.
  • 512 CUDA cores
  • ECC memory available on Fermi - This is an important one...
  • ECC can be turned on or off
    • I wonder if this has a performance impact?
    • If it didn't, why wouldn't it just be turned on all the time???
  • 8x double precision performance increase
  • IEEE 754-2008: Fused multiply-add for single/double precision support

1 comment:

  1. Clarified the ECC issue. It sounds like there is a small overhead performance wise (not too sure about exactly what this is). More important impact is that you lose some memory to get the ECC. On a 3 GB system get a usable 2.7 GB of memory if using ECC (this a very rough estimate). The implementation corrects for single bit errors and faults on double bit errors. Error information is available through counters etc.
